Dollars in the Bank of Life – How Do You Spend It?

Attention is Money
In the Bank

Attention Is Money In the Bank of Life

Lizzie is getting close to retirement. Her professional career has been in the same organization but her assignment changed recently. She went from working for one professional to work for up to 100 different people. Lizzie has a new task assignment system to manage and is now working with a pool of similar professionals – all tasked to work together. They all need to interact regularly for the completion of their individual part of each project, working in the same small space except when they work at home.

This is a lot of change in her life. Lizzie is very smart, a well-educated and highly motivated, social and communicative person. For each conversation about a project, it easily commutes into more time spent on catching up on local and personal interests. Additionally, she is the group information reservoir. She is consulted on aspects of the work that the other members don’t have working history to pull from.

Guess what?!! Lizzie is working overtime everyday/all week and she is exhausted and her time management is in the can.

Can you relate to this scenario? What would you do to get your time back?

  • I suggested she track her time for a week – work time and social time while at work.
  • Then we created the use of a whiteboard in her cubicle. Lizzie wrote down all the questions she had for each team member on the board. As they came up to her she explained her new system; she asked them when during the day they could go over their list of questions together.
  • She also made plans to have lunch with each person for her socializing.

What are you willing to do to get your time back? Do you think of time as money or time as something else? Let me know how you want to spend your time.

Call 404-713-0488 for a consult on your time management situation.